The Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (MBB) Department offers an undergraduate course of study in which traditional and modern biochemistry are integrated with studies in molecular biology. Our unique and highly interactive elective courses cover a broad range of cutting edge topics in aging, proteomics, epigenomics, cancer, and human developmental diseases. In addition to course work, all MBB undergraduate majors conduct independent research projects in molecular biology and biochemistry in a laboratory on campus where they work closely with a professor. Many of our students frequently graduate with research article or conference publications. Through their course work and laboratory research students develop the analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills required for careers in the sciences and medicine.
Over the years, the MBB major has consistently prepared a large number of students for graduate studies in molecular biology and biochemistry and related fields, entry into professional schools in medicine or other health professions, or employment in industries (e.g., biotechnology, pharmaceuticals) in which molecular biology and biochemistry skills are in demand. We are proud of our MBB students and look forward to having you join MBB.